Clear Water Sangha was established to support the spiritual teachings of Jon Bernie.

We deeply appreciate your contribution to help us continue to provide the great volume of free nondual spiritual teachings we offer such as the teachings in our monthly e-newsletter, the Inspired Aliveness podcasts, Clear Water Sangha YouTube videos on this website.

Jon himself has been working hard for nearly two decades, helping thousands of people through private sessions offered on a sliding scale, several San Francisco Bay Area satsangs every month, as well as daylong meditation retreats also generously offered on a sliding scale, and retreats in which his fee is by donation. We are not independently supported and deeply appreciates your donations, which allow him to continue to be of service in this way.

People often ask us how they can help. Here are a few suggestions:

  • $5-10 per podcast or video
  • $120 annual podcast support
  • $250 annual video support
  • $500 annually for satsang venue fees
  • $1,000 annual administrative and website support

Clear Water Sangha appreciates larger donations toward broader support of Jon’s work, which can help us with things like equipment, technical and office support, travel expenses related to events, and scholarship and endowment funding.

Clear Water Sangha is a non-profit organization that has been granted tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. Our federal tax identification number is 26-1271037.

Clear Water Sangha free teachings

Podcast Teachings

Written Teachings

Video Teachings


Being Available for Connection—Satsang on spiritual unity and emotional healing:

Gratitude, Compassion, Loving-Kindness as the natural expression of awareness:

The Purpose of Life:

Using Kinesthetic Awareness to Quiet the Mind:

Why Aren’t I Having a Big Kundalini-Acid-Trip Kind of Awakening?

Tired of Waiting for Enlightenment? daylong retreat with Jon Bernie: