Podcasts for enlightenment

  • Healing with the Practice of Presence

    Self-healing Podcasts by Jon Bernie. “Amid the post-traumatic stress of bad news these days, it takes more effort to be available.  It takes work to be conscious.  It takes even more effort to be intimate with reality, because reality can be pretty difficult to accept.  As you open more deeply, there is a realm of…

  • Healing Our Hearts

    If you’re aware of awareness, it’s like being in a beautiful breeze at the ocean. You just let it in, let it waft through you. Wonderful. That’s the sort of ultimate spiritual teaching when that’s in your field, when that’s present. Nowhere to go, nothing to do. And if you’re, you find that you’re resisting…

  • The Essential Energy of Transformation

    Every moment is the beginning of the journey. When you wake up, there is not endpoint called “enlightenment”. There’s just this closeness, this intimacy of connection. No one to defend. Opening is a natural, mysterious movement; and what we learn from a human perspective, is how to let it move in the direction it’s moving.…

  • Ask Into Vastness

    Are you able to surrender? Are you able to just be here? Whatever way works for you in this moment, it will open you, and it will bring you back into a harmonious presence. Maybe just being here, sensing this energy or presence in the room, if you can sense, see or tune into that.…

  • Leaving the Map

    “Having a map is good up to a certain point, but sooner or later the map ends, and then how do you find your way? As explorers, do we really know where we’re going? At some point we realize we don’t know, and what originally produced anxiety eventually produces freedom as we learn to listen…