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podcasts for relaxing
Taking Time to Restore Yourself in the Open-hearted Beingness Beyond Words
Taking Time for Yourself in the Open-hearted Beingness Beyond Words | Jon Bernie Embodied Awareness podcasts “Won’t it be wonderful when we can do this without any words? Just our open-hearted beingness, unprotected, connecting. Because in that space, everything is already known.” “Sometimes, you need time for yourself to get clear. You know, we mix…
You Are The Garden
You are not living in your mind anymore. The mind becomes a helpful resource whenever you need it. It becomes your friend rather than your tormentor, your judge, your critic, your executioner. What comes with this awakening is a profound trust in the life force. You are the garden, and you are flourishing. Recorded in…
Healing Our Hearts
If you’re aware of awareness, it’s like being in a beautiful breeze at the ocean. You just let it in, let it waft through you. Wonderful. That’s the sort of ultimate spiritual teaching when that’s in your field, when that’s present. Nowhere to go, nothing to do. And if you’re, you find that you’re resisting…
No News is Good News!
When all the stories of the mind are dropped, it’s good news. We’re constantly talking to ourselves, constantly thinking — until we’re awake, fully present, and not interfering. Then every moment is new. Every moment is alive, right here. And that’s really what we’re here for — to discover the ease of being, and to…
Everything is New
Awakening is when you’re just here. Nothing coming or going. Everything is new, everything is fresh. When all our filters drop away and there’s just this presence, we can come to a deeper, centered alignment in our being. And when you feel that presence emerging, that’s what you want to give your attention to. Words…